Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Pre-Fall Day!

I am just loving this cool weather.  We had such a miserably hot summer, and I go out every morning to just feel the cool, and say thank you Lord!

We took a short drive up the mountain behind where we live yesterday, and as we drove, we talked about the tint to the trees, and how it is changing....I took the following pictures to prove that fall is around the corner for sure.....

Dusty Old Things....................

On the left is our telephone, and the right is the one on the site.  I think I have mentioned this in a blog before, but when our grandchildren are still little and believe in Santa Claus, they talk to him on our phone every year.  He never talks back to them, but they get to tell him they have been good, what they want, etc.!

My daughter told me this morning that tomorrow will be the last day I will be running taxi!  She will go home to work on Friday.  Blue Cross/Blue Shield has many tele-computers and she loves being one of them.  I wont know what to do with myself!  lol

The power of a godly touch. Have you known it? The doctor who treated you, or the teacher who dried your tears?  Was there a hand holding yours at a funeral?  Haven’t we known the power of a godly touch? Can’t we offer the same?  Some of you use your hands to pray for the sick. If you aren’t touching them personally, you’re writing notes, calling, baking pies.  You’ve learned the power of a touch.  But others tend to forget. Our hearts are good; it’s just that our memories are bad. We forget how significant one touch can be.  We fear saying the wrong thing, or using the wrong tone or acting the wrong way. So rather than do it incorrectly, we do nothing at all.

Aren’t we glad Jesus didn’t make the same mistake? Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. Will you do the same?
                                                                ~~~~~Max Lucado

WOW, this is a version I had never seen, but it is amazing!  Watch the very wont be sorry.

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