Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Thought Tuesday!

1)  My ear doesn't hurt today.

2)  I am babysitting my 4 year old grandson and his sister, 13 years old, going on 20!

3)  It has rained all day.  I am ready for some sunshine, but cooler temps too.

4)  Was released by my hand doc today.  He advised when my thumb was so painful and I needed that surgery, to call.

5)  I got the sweetest note from one of the deacons at my church.  Just when you think you aren't doing anything, someone notices and tells you "good job".

6)  I am making a fresh apple cake tomorrow and if it works, will share the menu.

7)  I am still enjoying being on blogger and actually glad I left Multiply for good.  No regrets at all.

8)  Jim cooked catfish and hushpuppies for supper...yummm!

9)  It is getting hard finding 2 more thoughts.

10) My camera died on me, and I ordered a new one from Amazon and just got an email saying it had been shipped!  Yay.  We have an Amazon here in Chattanooga, so maybe it is coming from there.  If so, I should get it tomorrow.

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