Monday, February 24, 2014


I have always rearranged furniture, pictures, dishes, anything that isn't locked down!  My Mother did and my Grandmother did, so I got it honest.  Thus, the reason I think that I change my backgrounds, arrangements, etc. here on Blogger.  I couldn't always afford (and still cant) to buy something new, so putting it somewhere else in the room, or even in another room, made it feel new to me!

Aryn and her family went to Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee this past weekend to view the campus, watch their girls basketball team play and talk to the associate coach.  She had received some information from them, so they accepted the invitation.  Aryn thinks she wants to be a pharmacist, and Belmont has a pharmacy program, so that is why she was interested.  Also, her parents liked the idea, because Nashville isn't far from Chattanooga!

This is her, in front of the pharmacy building....

I haven't talked to them since they got home so am anxious to know what she, as well as her parents thought about the school.

My Sunday School class is having a class meeting today at a local Greek restaurant that we all enjoy going to, and will meet at the church at 11 and take one of the church vans, so we can all ride together.

This week is doctor visits for Jim and I both, so with the meeting above, it will be a fairly busy week.


  1. I change my background too, as you know, for the same reasons. I use to change furniture around as well..but now..I just don't as much..pretty happy the ways things are. I can't wait to hear about your grandaugther. Have fun at the luncheon. Blessings (ps love your background)

  2. Love it! When I get better at this (maybe with more of your guidance... hint, hint) I can do that too. I love rearranging. Just ask my family! They groan when they see "the mood" striking me. Have a great day my friend. I love the picture.

  3. Love small etc.
    Life changes...not so much.
    I need comfort in consistency. : )
    Have a great week, my friend!

  4. Enjoy your busy week, Linda! Greek food is delicious!! I don't change things around much, mainly because we have a small house and there are only a couple of ways to place furniture. Painting and new floors done - and furniture right back where it was, except we swapped places with Joe's desk and the daybed. I change my blog 2-3 times a month. I always enjoy seeing yours, though!!

  5. Maybe it's because Spring is in the air here but it is so funny that the subject of rearranging furniture came up. My BFF and I where discussing this last weekend. She wants to rearrange some things in her home and needs help. I had stopped for so many years because of all the shoulder / neck pain. Hey, I can do that again! Yippey! (I think I just heard my husband moan ...) *ha ha* I also used to paint decorations & furniture to make them seem new again. Can't afford paint anymore.
    God bless. ~:)

  6. Great photo of your granddaughter. God bless her and her parents as they make this important decision.
    My mom was blind most of my life so we NEVER EVER changed anything! Just the slightest movement of a chair could really trip her. I am still that way today.
    I do enjoy your pretty blog backgrounds. It is fun to change with the seasons!
    All the best to you both as you travel to the dr. Mildred

  7. I think that Aryn has a noble goal in mind for her future.
    My hat is off to her.
    Sending all of you love and best wishes.
    Praying for a good doctor's visit for you and your husband.
    Love you,

  8. I love change! It keeps things interesting! Your page is always so nice looking. I look forward to seeing what your banner is going to look like or what kind of cool background you have picked out! I can't wait to hear more about Aryn's visit to Belmont University. What an exciting time for her!

  9. My mother was the same way! I'd come home from school some days and not be able to find anything! I would be the same way I imagine, but we've always lived in places that didn't lend themselves to moving things around...too many door ways, small, etc. I've actually been trying to figure out a way to move around my living room, but haven't found anything that will work since our TV has to stay in the same spot.
