Tuesday, February 18, 2014


First of all, I have not been able to comment for the last few days, but I have read your blog entries. Also, I shut my computer down last night and when I opened it this morning, nothing was the same.  It was if I had just bought this computer and I had to re-set EVERYTHING, and even at that, it isn't right. Yes, I am frustrated to say the least.

Let's go back to Elizabeth's birthday.  She
was so cute and happy.  Her menu consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!  It was her choice and that was that.  Oh yes, and milk to drink. Her cake was half chocolate and half cream colored....again her choice. 

Secondly, I did have my epidural yesterday and I can already tell it worked!  I am so thankful.

Thirdly, Aryn's basketball team played last night and lost, putting them 4th in the district.  The will however, go to the Regional playoffs next weekend.  The good news is that she was voted to the all tournament team, and was also MVP. Her coach was voted best in tournament too. Jim and I didn't get to go to the game, but her school streams the games online, and we were able to sit here at home, and watch the entire game on the computer.  I took several pictures but they disappeared also.

The weather here is just weird.  For the last few weeks, we have had snow in unreal amounts, schools closed, wrecks on the interstates, etc.  Today and for the remainder of the week, we are having temps near 70!  Go figure.

I hope and pray everyone is doing fine and life is good for you.  I will be working on my computer for the rest of today, but wanted to catch up a little.


  1. Linda! I wondered where you disappeared too (smiles). I am flad to read the epidural worked. Cool beans on Elizabeth & Aryn. We presently have a heavy snow, yet again. Tomorrow and Thur suppose to be near 50 and heavy rain on Friday, then back to the 20's and snow for Sat/Sun. WEIRD indeed, lol. I h ope you get your computer back the way it needs to be..Blessings

  2. ok..GLAD not FLAD. LOL--any other misspellings just ignore. LOLOL

    1. No problem Linda, I read online text fine and dandy, or read between the lines, or something! lol Just glad to be back. Enjoy the 50's before the snow moves back in!

  3. Ok first...I have that last picture as a print hanging in my family room. : )
    Next, sorry about the computer stuff. I hate that!!!
    And lastly...congratulations on your granddaughters achievements!!!!!! : )
    And glad you are finding relief from your pain.
    Have a cozy day, my friend.

  4. Hi Linda! So happy to hear that your epidural is helping you! That's awful about your computer problems. I don't understand computers at all. How can one second it be running fine and then out of no where it does something like what happen to yours? So frustrating! Big Congratulations to Aryn on making the All Tournament team and on the MVP award!! How exciting for her and for you all! Have a great week!

  5. Good to get your good news, Linda!! The epidural worked, the birthday party was a success and fun, and Aryn's team, the coach and Aryn personally had a great season! Wow!! Just sorry you have had computer problems!!

    I am so far behind on reading blogs that I will not catch up. I've decided I need to read the most current ones and let the rest go. I still have blogs from Valentine's Day. Old news by now. Sigh. I'm trying to keep up with my most loyal and oldest friends, though.

    Have a good rest of the day, and enjoy those temps! We are back in the 80s again this week!!

  6. I wondered what happened. So thankful it wasn't something happened to y'all. Ditto on the getting stressed when the computer gets wacky. Epidurals do work miracles. Better rest to be sure there's no further damage. Congrats to the grandkids.
    Glad you're back! God bless. ~:)

  7. I'm so glad the epidural worked! Computers sure can act crazy sometimes - hope you get your straightened out.

  8. All great news - - - even the computer cuz you got it working correctly again. I am so thankful for the success of your epidural. I love the birthday party. What a wonderful thing to be six and have choices and be satisfied with such simple things. Too, too precious.And of course, more congrats to Aryn. She works hard and deserves it.
