Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It takes so little to make me smile and make me happy.  Yesterday afternoon around 3:30, Jesse came in the back door and said, 'look Nana, what I made'.  I asked what it was about and he proceeded to tell me they had a story at school called 'Bandaid Chicken', and they all made puppets to go with the story. If you look closely at the top left, you can see the bandaid!  He told me part of the story, but he was talking so fast, I didn't get much out of it.  But he was happy, which made me very happy.  He said, 'wanna take a picture'?  

It is amazing to me, and is each time, how much relief I get from that epidural.  It makes everything physical of course, but my mental outlook as well.  I sleep better, can work around the house without severe pain.  Sorry to harp on that subject, but I am just so thankful.

Will finish laundry, go to CVS to pick up prescriptions, and we planned last night to cook a meal and eat before, rather than after, church tonight.  That is my exciting day!

Received two new postcards....


The resolved mind has no cares.

Ignorance per se is not nearly as dangerous as ignorance of ignorance. 

Drink rosemary tea to enhance your memory.

Take thy thoughts to bed with thee, for the morning is wiser than the evening.

Revive old nylon paint brushes: Simmer them in vinegar for a few minutes 
and then wash with soapy water.

They do not love that do not show their love.

Nature does nothing in vain.


  1. Awesome, love your grandson!! I am glad your getting pain relief. Yes, the snow is melting, it is currently near 40!!!, yes we are under flood warnings. I told hubby I might throw a window open just to air the house out. Have a blessed day.

  2. Good morning, Linda! What a sweet picture and story about Jesse! I can't get over how much he is growing! I'm so happy that you are getting some relief from the pain! A epidural usually last for a couple of months, right? How is Jim feeling? I love your background and the pictures that you added on the sides! Have a wonderful Wednesday my friend!

    1. Kris, the epidurals last at different lengths of time...the last one lasted 6 months, but I have had them to not last but a couple....just depends, and on what, I dont know...but I will taken 2 days to be free of that pain. Jim has his good days and bad, but right now, they are good, and I am thankful. Thanks for asking my friend.

  3. I love that your grandson came over to show you that. I can see that would make your day. :)
    You aren't harping - just being thankful. I'm thankful with you!

  4. He is the so sweet!
    And I am so glad you are finding relief.
    They help my mother so. : )

  5. Glad you're feeling better. Short of surgery, I guess I would rather try pain management. Saw the doctor today about the scan of the lumbar region, looks like bulges and burrs/spurs?
    Both knees are shot, he said it's bone rubbing bone. He said I must have led an exciting life, told him, no, just five kids, washing a lot of cloth diapers, and the first five years we were married, the little town we lived in, had more out houses then bathrooms. So this meant I also had to pump water and heat it to do laundry in an old wringer washer. Also lifted way more large items then I should have ever tried. This arthritis doctor seems to think the shots will help me more then anything. Now that we have an HMO rather then a PPO, have to find out if the insurance will cover the doctor he's recommended. My back hurts more when i am trying to do some household chore, like sweeping with broom, dust mop or sweeper, after about five mins. I have to set down, it just feels like one large muscle cramp. At least when I am cooking I have the counter top to rest against or hold onto when moving about. Let's hope we boht get to feeling great soon, sounds like hou are on your way. I've also been fin ding it hard to breath again, heart doctor thinks it's the a-fib, so I go in next week for an Echo cardiogram. He said the EKG looked very much like the one he did six months ago, so now he wants to see what's going on in the inside. Will be saying a prayer for you. Hang in there.

  6. Bless your heart you are in bad shape. I had both knees replaced at the same time, and would do it again in a heart beat. Have never had a minutes trouble since then. Jim had back surgery and has never been the same. So yes, I will have these epidurals as long as my insurance will pay for them. Some last 2 months, some have lasted 6-8 months. I get immediate relief. I said all that to say, I know what you are going through and I pray it turns out for the good for you. I dont have the heart problems, but Jim does...he has the a-fib and has to watch that too. We both decided we are just old and worn out!

  7. The Bandaid Chicken is really cute as well as the creator of same. :) And I'm so happy the epidural has worked so well. I pray that it will be the last that you ever need. God bless. ~:)

  8. Oh my friend, I wish it could be the last too, but this was my 12th one and I will keep getting them as long as my insurance will pay. I DO NOT WANT BACK SURGERY!

  9. Jesse is one handsome happy young man! So glad he loves seeing his grandma and obviously has a good teacher who makes school enjoyable for him, too! You know the family is proud of our blogs when they point out things that need to be photographed!!!

  10. Linda, I am so happy to hear the epidural worked again!! I know how exhausting and frustrating pain can be.

    Jesse is so cute!! I can't get over how big he is getting! I remember how worried we all were when he had to have surgery...seems like yesterday. What a blessing!!

    Love your chalk-board background!!

  11. I'm so glad to see you're feeling better - I hope it lasts a good long time! The postcard from Italy is lovely!
