Saturday, February 22, 2014

Good Saturday morning!  It is a lovely, blue sky kind of day, but a little cool at 36.  A little lower than the past week.

Latest Postcrossing card is from Taiwan.  Not sure why a 'christmasy' type card, two months after the holiday, and I assume that all the animals shown are in her country.  She didn't elaborate.

My Travel Plans for 2014

I have been in many places, but I've never been in Kahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Kahoots with someone. I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there. I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, friends, family and work.

I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too
much on physical activity anymore. I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I'm not sure I want to go back there. I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.

Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older. 
One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! I may have been in Continent, but I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing. They tell me it is very wet there.

So, now in Conclusion. (where I am now)

From one unstable person to another. I hope everyone is happy in your head
- we're all doing pretty well in mine!


  1. OMGosh, you are a trip! *har har* The joke is priceless. Can't wait to pull that on someone. Hope your day continues to be jolly. God bless. ~:)

  2. lol.Thanks for the chuckles. Have a blessed day.

  3. I think I've been in everyone of those places too. Wonder why I never saw you. hahaha That's just too funny. I love it.
    You have a great sunny day.

  4. What a pretty Saturday it is for you...and for us here in South Georgia, too. Days like today make me look forward to spring even more.
    Thank you for the smiles today.
    I hope that you have a beautiful day on Sunday.
    We are supposed to get some (more) rain next week...three days of it, and then it will turn colder again. Not complaining. It has been 85 degrees the dip to 34 will be par for this winter's weather patterns. Pattern: there isn't one. Just wait and see what tomorrow holds. :))
    Sending you hugs, my friend,

  5. Ha! I've been in Kahoots a time or two! Too funny.

  6. Thanks for the chuckles, Linda! I wonder when the post card was posted? Perhaps it has taken a month and a half to travel from Taiwan? How exciting, though, to get a post-crossing from Taiwan!!
